Saturday, February 9, 2008

who will be responsible for Freedom to Democracy in Burma?


After taking free Independence from the British, the politics have been collapsed in Burma. The Bamar leaders,not minority ethnics,firstly intended to get monopolize in their power.They actually betrayed and lied to the other ehtincs. Under the Pinlon agreement treaty, every ethnic will have to get freedom and equal chance to demcracy.

During 1948's, as mojority Bamar leaders have been lied and they did not want to listen about FEDERAL LAW.
Actually they feared for the federal law. So they played only for politics and seeing for power control. So the KNU fought for freedom first that was led by Saw Ba Oo Gyi. On that time ,the Rangoon Government had been known in Burma.

In 1958~1962, the priminster ,U Nu,pointed the military out to take a coup in Burma.On that time,the military regime understood how feel was best for their life....

Sourced by; Minbargyi (NY)

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